Sunday, August 01, 2004

Made it

Well sonofa, i made it here and I am about to go nutz on this computer cause the space bar is all jacked up. Well i had a hell of time finding the damn hostel, but finally did.. Nobody had any clue and obviously I didn't. I met some friends from Adelade where Auzzie Daniel is from and they treated me to some breakfast. I am sweating my brIANS off right now like a mug and could definitely go for some pannakukins.. CRAP..

Well anyway, just wanted to let peeps know I was safe and sound. My hostel is totally BJOoots but that is all part of thefun right.

My friend nele is coming to meet me soon so I better hop off, but I will holler later..

your friend who lovvvvvves adventures.


ps. My hair is getting long again already.. Get ready to be re-introduced to Dboots2k1 ;)


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