Wednesday, August 04, 2004

This place rules

Hej everybody again!

Ok so I decided that this city in holland kinda rules. I had a ridiculous time yesterday. We were out in the city all day walking around, sitting down for coffee or a beer, eating some food at good resturants, and then going out again till 5 in the morning.. Kinda wierd but dboots does not turn into a pumpkin.. Maybe cause 5am here is really just 10pm there but still..

Crap, anyway I have now met up with about 5 other friends here, plus a couple of girls that I did not really know till now. Last night we joined up with the groom and all of his friends for his bachelor party and just had a jolly good time. quite ridiculous in fact. A bunch of crazy dutch people who like pannakukins and all that good stuff.

well I slept till 11 again and now we might go to amsterdam.. otherwise I will call a new friend that I met and we will go eat and get coffee or something of this nature..

Anyway hope everything is well.. I miss you guys and TC, but luckily my days are busy and I am able to get by. Schmilo, will you please have something built for me by the time I get home.. thanks.. my sister moved out of her place and uses this homasote boards as a pin up wall space and I thought that my maybe I could use them.. cut them right and put them where the opening in my room is... But you can build a new coffee table maybe..

until next time I will try to have some more adventures.. thanks to all for responding.



At August 4, 2004 at 6:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sonofo - sounds like euroboots is in full effect. out eating pannakukins, going to coffee bars, and partying brians.

a few questions/comments...

1) since when does dboots go to coffee bars?
2) i know greggo is building you a table - but if you need a bike rack, just give me a call
3) so_much?
4) i ate TC for you yesterday. i didn't want them to go out of business - so i figured i better keep up the TC bottom line and throw down a few combo meals while you are gone.
5) when are you going to switzerland?

love (and judging),

At August 4, 2004 at 7:19 AM, Blogger Unknown said...


the flooters will suck it up and eat your share of tacos/TC here in the mainland; but you must eat your share of: pannakukins, gyros, korvs, meatballs, TuBorg, & weinerschnitzle. I luv a coffee-bar going d-boots.

Comments rule,



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