Friday, August 06, 2004

Wedding was amazing

Alright, so basically this wedding was good and terribles.. Good because it was beautiful and so cool and different, and terribles cause it was about 100 yesterday and we had to walk ALOT and drive in hot busses and trains and cars ALOT and i never stopped sweating and I dont think I once felt any AC.. Amazing terribles. But on the other hand everything was so different that I was able to ignore my sweating Brains and brains and just enjoy the ceremonies. It was quite a challenge gettign from our hostel to where the marrige took place. we had to walk our brains to the train station and hope to meet up with others who were coming in from other places.. luckily we did and then ride this freaking steaming train with no AC to Joost (the groom) house.. then took this rented double decker bus into the town square (bus was hot as hell) then watched the non-religious ceremony in the Town Hall.. It was very nice but hot as Sh!t... SO HOT.. no a/c.. stupid hot.. anyway, then we ride in hot bus again for an hour and people said I was starting to turn white and they started to get worried that I might overheat.. THey figured a Texas guy could handle it but I remind them that my office is kept at a cool 70 degrees every day..

Well they drove us out to this big castle about 45 mins away where we had dinner and the reception. It was kinda stupid gewd. We had several drinks out on the lawn in the garden and then later went way down into the cellar and at a candle light dinner where the exchange students decided that I would give the speech for everyone, but I was not given prior warning of this..

well anyway dinner, dancing, boozing all that good stuff.. I am still sweating my everliving brians off at this point but I had since given up and was only mildly complaining. then we ride our bus home and get back around 3 and most want to go to sleep but my friend Lars and I go out on the town to meet some people.. we were not able to find anything to much fun.. Well I will tell more later and show pics, but basically it was a ruling wedding.. Thanks again for commenting.. I love how john relates it to "checkin" pfba... sa gewd...

I am off to belgium now and not sure when I will have internet again..




At August 9, 2004 at 10:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sweboots - was it hot? Just asking. Don't be mad.

And second of all - STOP YOUR FRICKIN' CRYING YOU LITTLE SCHOOLGIRL. Sorry, I had to get that out of my system. I am sitting here in cubicle world and my jealousy got the best of me.

Can't wait till you get back so I can see all the pictures. Perhaps we can sit in my Jeep and drive in circles with the heater on before heading to a "coffee bar"...just so I can get the full experience.

Question 1) Is there anything better then adventures? Don't answer that. The answer is no. I am not going to argue about this.

Question 2) Seen a lot of bikes? Ridden on any bikes? Sweated brains on any bikes? (Same question, sub in 'bike racks' for 'bikes')

Question 3) So_Much?

Question 4) If you see the Italian Federales - please don't tell them you know me and Mags. This would be a bad thing for you - not a good thing.


At August 9, 2004 at 1:07 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Seriously D Boobs, I concur w/ Iron, quit you're freaking crying. "Hi, I'm Sweboots, I want both. I want to go to coffee bars and get into adventures backpacking through Europe, but I also don't want to sweat my brians off."

Sorry, moopie, can't have it both ways.

Also, please, please, for the love, do not take any pictures of: Ice Fortresses, Mopeds, Running of the Bulls, or quaint fishing villages in the south of France. I've already been judged hard enough by a T-Roots and I don't want to re-live that one.

Glad to hear you're having a ridiculous time.


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