Thursday, March 01, 2007

Back in Swe Land

Hej everyone...'

So once again I am back here in Sweden.. This might be my last time for awhile... maybe.. It is fairly cold here, but just at about freezing, so it is not too bad... There is lots of snow though... I have been walking around Uppsala by myself for an hour or 2. Waiting on Johan to get out of class. It is 4am back home and 11am here, and I was doing quite well for awhile, but I just hit a wall.. i think I need another double espresso and some food..

Nothing too much to report. Just wanted to say that I was here.. No clue if anyone will even be checking the sweboots blog.. senefe.. hope so! I will have better stuff later..



At March 1, 2007 at 8:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Moops Moops - Checklist of things you must do while in Uppsala: Eat about 7 korvs and 12 meatballs, Buy 6 shirts at H&M, Drink a liter and a half of wine before you go out, Eat a hamburger at a nation or whatever, Meet as many people named Magnus as you can. - MagRoots

At March 1, 2007 at 8:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Moops Moops - Checklist of things you must do while in Uppsala: Eat about 7 korvs and 12 meatballs, Buy 6 shirts at H&M, Drink a liter and a half of wine before you go out, Eat a hamburger at a nation or whatever, Meet as many people named Magnus as you can. - MagRoots


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