Saturday, July 31, 2004

Getting ready to leave

Alright, so I have been packing my BRIANS off the gewd thing is that I have everything packed in there... The terribles thing is that I have so much stuff packed in that if I want to get to something.. For example my suit for the wedding, I will have to remove everything and then re-pack. Also of note is that I ate 2 Tarquitos this morning as a send off meal. Just need that taste of salsa and tacos in my mouth one last time.. I can see it already, my poor friends are not going to know what to do. They will find me in the kitchen on the floor, shaking violently as if posessed by demons.. But little do they know I am just going through Taco/Salsa withdrawls.. SONOFA.. this is gonna rule

Well I head to the airport soon, so I will check back in with you fools later..


Thursday, July 08, 2004

Pre Trip

This is a blog that I will be able to post my adventures in Europe on. You will be able to check back and see what stupid stuff I have done in the previous days.. I am sure that you are excited. :-) I am !!