Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Swedish adventures complete

Hej everyone,... it might just be magroots that reads this.. ksks

So I have not had as much internet access as I am accustomed to.. but right now I am back at the airport waiting on my flight to London.. so I have a few minutes..

Senefe where to start.. I got to uppsala.. hung out with Johan in town for a bit.. mets some of his friends that work at the student union.. then we bought so beers and started the night. It was alot of fun. Got to relive one of my infamous student nation nights. It ended with him trying to hook up with some girl and me walking home with 2 of his cute corridor mates.. At one point we were walking and I just dove into the snow... They were confused.

The next day I awoke and ran to the buss stop to meet Leila and her husband. After running there for 30 minutes i found out we had to walk about 25 more minutes.. and my feet were dying.. but when in rome.. So we finally made it to where Alvaro would do his presentation. He had no clue I was going to be there so he was super surprised... He was about to take part in the biggest moment of his life, so i think that the full effect did not hit him till later. I watched alvaro present his thesis in english for 1 hour and I did not understand one bit.. It all had to do with DNA and seemed crazy difficult. We celebrated lightly that night.. although I celebrated kind of hard.. stayed out till 3.. and the next day was a recovery day. Then that night we had alvaros party. Tons of fun. 40 people at a private house. Drinks swedish food, spanish food, dancing, speeches, all that good stuff.. Finally we decided to walk home.. and I called Johan to let me into his place. The next morning I looked at my phone to see when i had called johan and only then realized it was at 4:42am ..ouch..

Will tell the rest later but I have to run... Hope all is well with everyone..



At March 7, 2007 at 10:41 PM, Blogger carolyn said...

dboots! look at you in sweden again! hope you're getting your fill of the pannukukins, is it snowing there? philly's cold... snow blows :) miss you! say hey to your sis for us! -cjd

At November 11, 2008 at 5:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You write very well.


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